Nourish Your Well-being
Cras risus tortor, viverra eget molestie vel, tincidunt nec mauris. Etiam eget mi sit amet dui consequat ultrices. Donec egestas bibendum nibh. Praesent sapien orci, dignissim vitae laoreet vitae, sodales non neque. Praesent orci sem, varius nec justo a, maximus elementum tortor. Suspendisse iaculis ligula vitae leo egestas luctus. Nam molestie, ex quis ullamcorper ultricies, neque dui auctor diam, ut gravida lorem elit a ipsum. Morbi sodales imperdiet nulla. Mauris quis finibus velit, efficitur facilisis magna. Sed suscipit quam quam, vitae ullamcorper velit elementum vel. Ut luctus ultrices libero at venenatis.
Heritage Club
It helps creating awarness and in preserving and promoting our varied and rich ancient culture and traditions, among the young learners. Conducts various activities including educational excursions, which enable the students to appreciate the traditions, culture and religious diversity of our country.
Eco Club
We are creating an evergreen environment for the learners. In order to make the learners realise the important of a healthy environment, we engage the learners to perform various activities in the 'Eco-duly'. The learners are made to make posters and PPT's on 'Healthy Environment' make the 'Best out of Waste' and campaign around the school campus on the necessity of keeping the environment clean.
Health Club
Cras risus tortor, viverra eget molestie vel, tincidunt nec mauris. Etiam eget mi sit amet dui consequat ultrices. Donec egestas bibendum nibh. Praesent sapien orci, dignissim vitae laoreet vitae, sodales non neque. Praesent orci sem, varius nec justo a, maximus elementum tortor. Suspendisse iaculis ligula vitae leo egestas luctus. Nam molestie, ex quis ullamcorper ultricies, neque dui auctor diam, ut gravida lorem elit a ipsum. Morbi sodales imperdiet nulla. Mauris quis finibus velit, efficitur facilisis magna. Sed suscipit quam quam, vitae ullamcorper velit elementum vel. Ut luctus ultrices libero at venenatis.
Quest Club
The Quest club acts as a platform for our students to experience the sheer joy of jogging their grey cells, excercising their curiosity, thinking out of the box, arriving at an answer and expressing it creatively within split seconds, working in teams.
Theater Club
Drama and performing arts not only engages with the creative side of the brain, but also provides an ideal balance in students patterns of study. It is an avenue to develop cognitive abilities that complement the study of other disciplines the TTC Theatre Programme as a part of our curriculum.